Three Jewish men arrive in NYC from Europe,and decide to meet again in
twenty years to see how they all made out in America. Twenty years pass- The
first man asks the second: 'Nu? How did you do'?
He replies: 'Well, you know when I came to this country I had no idea vat to
do with myself to make a living. So I looked at my last name. Goldstein. So
I went into the GOLD business. And OY, did I make a FORTUNE!'
He turns to the next man and asks: 'Nu? How 'bout you'? He says, 'Well like
you I had no idea vat I vas going to do in this vast country to make a
living, so I to took my last name. Silverberg. So I went into the Silver
business. And oy, did I make a FORTUNE!'
So they both turned to the last man to ask: 'And you? Vat happened to you?'
So the third man said: 'Well, I too had no idea how I vas going to make a
living here in America, so I looked at my last name. Tailor. I said, dats no
good. I never make money as a tailor. So, I went to Shul and prayed. I said,
God, if you make me a wealthy man, I promise to make You my partner.'
The others asked, 'So vat happened?'
The man replied: 'Vats da matter? You never heard of LORD & TAYLOR?