Why Be Wacky?

My father used to always make us laugh growing up. He would tell funny jokes, one liners, funny stories and always seemed to be entertaining. My mom would always play music especially during a thunder storm. When the music was over, the thunder disappeared. My house was magical.

After I grew up, I became a Pediatric Nurse and used all kinds of funny things or toys in my practice to help ease children's fears and make their life fun even though they were in the hospital and sometimes very sick. I became real good at it. I would look for ways to become "outrageous" and bring life into people's worlds.

When I met Patch Adams I knew that I wasn't alone. Being "wacky" had a sacredness to it and I saw how it changed people's lives.

Once a fifth grader said to me, "Nurse Donna, you're not wacky today". I smiled when she began to explain how I had been just "ordinary" that day and not my wacky self. It was then I realized that being the "clown" or being "wacky" became an expectation and that when people saw me they wanted to have that "good feeling" all over.

When I was just plain Nurse Donna they didn't have that.

I went to Gesundheit! Institute and re-established who I was. I was transformed into "Gesoonie" the clown and I am featured in the documentary film "The Real Patch Adams". So far I have clowned on two continents (hoping to hit all of them!) and enjoy clowning and lecturing on humor.

Come join me and help transform the world........

Donna Marie Laino

P.S. I still laugh at my dad's same jokes when I hear someone tell them. Dad has passed on but I remember the jokes! We relive our time with dad each time we think of them! I miss you dad but I smile when I think of you. I am a chip off the old block. I feel honored to have been inspired by you. Thank you for being yourself. It has allowed me to be who I am and I am touching many people because of it.

I am spreading the JOY, one smile at a time!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Humor- State Motto Humor


Alabama- Hell Yes, We Have Electricity.
Alaska- 11,623 Eskimos Can't Be Wrong!
Arizona- But It's A Dry Heat.
Arkansas- Lituracy Ain't Everythang.
California- By 30, Our Women Have More Plastic Than Your Honda.
Colorado- If You Don't Ski, Don't Bother.
Connecticut- Like Massachusetts, only smaller.
Delaware- We Really Do Like The Chemicals In Our Water.
Florida- Ask Us About Our Grandkids, And Our Voting Skills.
Georgia- We Put The Fun In Fundamentalist Extremism.
Hawaii- Haka Tiki Mou Sha'ami Leeki Toru (Death To Mainland Scum,Leave Your Money)
Idaho- More Than Just Potatoes....Well, Okay, We're Not, But The Potatoes Sure Are Real Good
Illinois- There's No "Noise" In Illinois. You Pronuonce The "S", We Smasha You Face
Indiana- 2 Billion Years Tidal Wave Free
Iowa- We Do Amazing Things With Corn
Kansas- First Of The Rectangle States
Kentucky- Five Million People; Fifteen Last Names
Louisiana- We're Not ALL Drunk Cajun Wackos, But That's Our Tourism Campaign.
Maine- We're Really Cold, But We Have Cheap Lobster
Maryland- If You Can Dream It, We Can Tax It
Massachusetts- Our Taxes Are Lower Than Sweden 's, And Our Senators Are More Corrupt!
Michigan- First Line Of Defense From The Canadians
Minnesota- 10,000 Lakes...And 10,000,000,000,000 Mosquitoes
Mississippi- Come And Feel Better About Your Own State
Missouri- Your Federal Flood Relief Tax Dollars At Work
Montana- Land Of The Big Sky, The Unabomber, Right-wing Crazies, and Honest Elections!
Nebraska- Ask About Our State Motto Contest (Our Corn Is Huskier Than Yours)
Nevada- Hookers and Poker!
New Hampshire- Go Away And Leave Us Alone
New Jersey- You Want A ##$%##! Motto?I Got Yer ##$%##! Motto Right here!
New Mexico- Lizards Make Excellent Pets
New York- You Have The Right To Remain Silent, You Have The Right To An Attorney...
And No Right To Self Defense!
North Carolina- Tobacco Is A Vegetable
North Dakota- We Really Are One Of The 50 States!
Ohio- At Least We're Not Michigan
Oklahoma- Like The Play, But No Singing
Oregon- Spotted Owl...It's What's For Dinner
Pennsylvania- Cook With Coal
Rhode Island- We're Not REALLY An Island
South Carolina- Remember The Civil War? Well, We Didn't Actually Surrender Yet
South Dakota- Closer Than North Dakota
Tennessee- Home of the Al Gore Invention Museum .
Texas- Se Hable Ingles
Utah- Our Jesus Is Better Than Your Jesus
Vermont- Too liberal for the Kennedys
Virginia- Who Says Government Stiffs And Slackjaw Yokels Don't Mix?
Washington- Our Governor can out-fraud your Governor!
West Virginia- One Big Happy Family...Really!
Wisconsin- May The Cheese Be With You!
Wyoming- Where Men Are Men... And The Sheep Are Scared

Live Joyfully and with Passion!

Donna Marie Laino, RN